There is strictly only 10 pupils/students (mixed ages) to a class and therefore early application is advised.
ACRO DANCE is now up and running again
We still have a few places left which can be booked at any time

AcroDance teaches the athleticism of acrobatics by promoting excellence in flexibility, strength, balance, tumbling, basic contortion and partner/ group stunting in a way that enhances a dancer’s training, rather than working against it.
It is important to note that AcroDance is not the same as gymnastics.
Whilst movements can look similar, an AcroDancer must complete all of the skills on a hard stage without the advantage of a sprung floor, meaning we teach the movements differently to compensate for different conditions. The steps are also made to transition seamlessly from one move to the next, making them easier to incorporate into choreography if required.
We have chosen to affiliate ourselves with Acrobatic Arts and our certified teacher will follow a professional curriculum that uses thoughtful progressions and structured levels to train the dancer’s body to advance to the next level when they are ready, in order to reduce the potential for injury.
Created by Mandy Yip and assisted by a long list of qualified Royal Academy of Dance teachers, members of Cirque Du Soleil and gymnastics organisation, we felt this syllabus was the most well rounded, suitable program for our students at Nicola Miles Theatre Studios, to enhance their current dance training.
Classes held Weds at Worthing College
We have a few spaces at present. Please call to reserve your place
There is strictly only 10 pupils/students (mixed ages) to a class and therefore early application is advised.